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Business Improvement. CONTACT US. Welcome. Lovetts are a specialised accounting firm offering high level, personalised and quality services to businesses big or small, families and individuals.

Tax Insight

Business Improvement

Business names

If a business operates nationally with such a business name there may need to be up to eight separate registrations.

Badges of business

Badges of business. A Tribunal ruling (previously reported in September 2011 taxInsight) found that the CEO of a services company was indeed conducting a business of share trading on a part-time basis.

Small business benchmarks

Small business benchmarks. The Tax Office publishes small business benchmarks using data collated from income tax returns lodged by more than 100 different types of businesses. These have been updated recently with data from the 2008/09 financial year.

Carrying on a business?

Carrying on a business? In February, the Federal Court decided there was no primary production business being carried on despite 14 separate farming activities being planned for a 500 acre property west of Brisbane. The Court was considering an appeal in.

Small business vehicle write-off

Small business vehicle write-off. Small businesses (turnover less then $2 million) will be able to claim an extra initial deduction of $5,000 for a car, truck, van, utility, motor bike or scooter when they have it available for use after July 2012.

Protect Assets - business real property

Protect Assets - business real property. Your super fund can purchase your business premises at commercial valuation and charge a commercial rent to your operating entity.

Setting up business in Singapore?

Setting up business in Singapore? Singapore is a close neighbour to Australia and has many benefits for the establishment of a new business.

Save Tax: Selling your business

Save Tax: Selling your business.