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Lovetts Services: Plan Succession, SMSF & Retirement

Planning the roadmap to. achieve your future retirement goals. Get in touch. Plan Succession, SMSF & Retirement.

Save Tax: Tax planning

Save Tax: Tax planning. Are you operating a business alone or in partnership with your spouse?

November 2011 - A day in the tax life of…

It was time for some long-term personal and financial planning. Retirement? Sam's husband Joe had been on at her for quite some time about going to see a financial planner.

Save Tax: family tax planning

Save Tax: family tax planning. Where there are large income differences between spouses, or there are children involved, especially adult children who are undertaking tertiary education, significant tax benefits can be obtained by careful tax planning.

Assistant Treasurer flags super changes

He argued that this Parliament must back the move from 9% to 12% to provide: • A more comfortable post work life; • Retirement incomes at 70% replacement rate of accustomed income; • Leverage the benefits of concessional tax, compound interest and dividend

December 2011 - A day in the tax life of ...

A financial plan was coming together including getting insurances sorted out, estate planning, building superannuation for future retirement and long-term succession planning for the business. University.

Bring your kids into your super fund? Perhaps not

The son was addicted to drugs and withdrew all of the funds such that the parents’ retirement savings were lost. The son became bankrupt and a couple of years later the trustees made a voluntary disclosure to the Tax Office.

New fix for super cap breaches

Since the reduction, many people have inadvertently breached the lower cap where, for example, they hold two jobs or salary sacrifice to boost their retirement savings.

Working director terminated: Genuine Redundancy?

For the redundancy to be considered “genuine” under the Tax Act, there are some important factors including: The position must cease to exist; The termination must be involuntary; The employee must be under 65 years of age, or an earlier required retirement

Lovetts Services: Save Tax

Optimise your tax liability with legal compliance. through proper business planning and effective accounting. Get in touch. Save Tax. Tax Accounting.